100+ Ignoring Quotes By Someone You Love (With Images)

Sanyog Malviya
7 min readMay 12, 2021


100+ Ignoring Quotes By Someone You Love (With Images)

Quotes About Being Ignored By Someone |

If there is any feeling in life that hurts your heart badly, it is to be ignored by someone. This is a feeling that can carry any person to any extent. Many such stories are heard that only because of ignorance there has been a big crime or a fight.

But there are also many times when it becomes necessary for your to ignore some people. Only the person who has seen that time can understand the pain of being ignorant. Everyone wants to noticed, to get attention.

Let’s read some quotes that will tell you what it means to ignore someone.

Quotes About When Someone Ignores You

“Ignore me. I don’t care. I’m used to it anyways. I’m invisible.”

- Unknown

“Being lonely is like a storm with no rain, crying without tears.”

- Unknown

“I don’t like being ignored, and I don’t like being forgotten.”

- Unknown

“That awkward moment when your ‘friends’ don’t invite you to something.”

- Unknown

“There comes a time you feel so alone no matter how much company you have…”

- Unknown

“The best thing you can do when people are ignoring you is to just keep your chin up, girl.”

- Unknown

“It’s so funny how ‘friends’ forget us when they don’t need any more favours.”

- Unknown

“When you stop talking to me, stop talking about me too.”

- Unknown

“You talked to me during your free time, and I made myself free to talk to you, see the difference?”

- Unknown

“I gave up on those people. It wasn’t because I didn’t care, it was because they didn’t.”

- Unknown

“People with insufficient personalities are fond of cats. These people adore being ignored.”

- Henry Morgan

“In presence of the Moon, nobody sees stars.”

- Amit Kalantri

“The worst thing in this life is to be with people who make you feel as if you are all alone.”

- Unknown

“There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

- Unknown

“I spent a great deal of my life being ignored. I was always very happy that way.”

- Unknown

“It hurts the worst when the person that made you feel so special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today.”

- Unknown

“We never want being ignored because what we want is to be noticed, to be acknowledged.”

- Unknown

When Someone Ignores Your (Ignoring Quotes)

“It’s sad when you realize you aren’t as important to someone as you thought you were.”

- Unknown

“When you reach the top, all of those people who used to ignore you will look at you more.”

- Unknown

“Being ignored or looked down upon by society means that you need to rise up from ashes.”

- Unknown

“Women are often the ones being ignored when they ask for rights to help everyone else.”

- Unknown

“Because you are so used to being ignored, you start thinking that it is the right thing to do.”

- Unknown

“When you reach the top, all of those people who used to ignore you will look at you more.”

- Unknown

“If your friends can actually ignore you for so long, they must not be your friends at all, boy.”

- Unknown

“I am hurt by your actions, passing me by with your friends and not noticing me one bit, really.”

- Unknown

“Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means that you’ve become a comfortable, trusted element in another person’s life.”

- Joyce Brothers

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

- Aldous Huxley

“The worst thing a guy could do for a girl is to ignore her while she’s loving you with all her heart.”

- Liam Payne

“Probably the most neglected friend you have is you. And yet every man, before he can be a true friend to the world, must first become a friend to himself.”

- Unknown

“When you’re nothing, people will ignore you but when you’re on top that’s when everybody swears they know you.”

- Lincey Alphonse

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“Well tended garden is better than a neglected wood lot.”

- Dixie Lee Ray

“These doorsteps seldom have a visitor. The warping boards pull out their own old nails With none to tread and put them in their place.”

- Robert Frost

“The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you’re special too.”

- Unknown

“No one will ever really understand.”

- Unknown

“Maybe if I scream from the top of my lungs somebody will hear me, I thought. But not even then.”

- Unknown

“Why are you my friend but I feel alone?”

- Unknown

“Why do I feel so alone?”

- Unknown

“It’s hard to take a role in someone’s life when you’re not even part of the script.”

- Unknown

“My feelings? Oh, don’t worry about those, nobody else does.”

- Unknown

“All of us make mistakes. The key is to acknowledge them, learn, and move on. The real sin is ignoring mistakes, or worse, seeking to hide them.”

- Robert Zoelick

“When your husband ignores you, no matter if it’s all the time or just after arguments, he is trying to avoid and run away from a problem instead of dealing with it and solving it.”

- Lisa Penn

“You’re ignoring me so loud that it’s deafening. This silence is so deep that it’s echoing”

- Anna Jae

“Being ignored is a great privilege. That is how I think I learned to see what others do not see and to react to situations differently. I simply looked at the world, not really prepared for anything.”

- Saul Leiter

Some More Ignoring Quotes | Feeling Quotes

“It is impossible to treat a child too well. Children are spoiled by being ignored too much or by harshness, not by kindness.”

- Sloan Wilson

“The worst feeling: Not getting a reply back from someone you really want to talk to.”

- Unknown

“Oh Great, you can update your status via mobile, but you can’t text me back?”

- Unknown

“The greatest pain in life is to be ignored, to lose the person you love to someone who doesn’t care at all.”

- Unknown

“I really wish that I could ignore the fact that you’re ignoring me.”

- Unknown

“Ignore me? Okay, that’s cool, just don’t be mad when I ignore you.”

- Unknown

“Nothing’s worse than being ignored or disregarded by the one you care for most!”

- Unknown

“A year has:
12 months,
52 weeks,
365 days,
8,760 hours,
525,600 minutes,
3,153,600 seconds.”

- Unknown

“But it only takes 10 seconds to text me back!!!”

- Unknown

“Ignoring me can turn into me never speaking to you again.”

- Unknown

“Don’t care for those who ignore you, care for those who ignore others for you.”

- Unknown

“The sad part is I always make time for you when you barely make time for me.”

- Unknown

“When you’re nothing, people will ignore you but when you’re on top that’s when everybody swears they know you.”

- Lincey Alphonse

“It’s easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.”

- Chuck Palahniuk

“The sad moment when you see your ex and they act like you don’t even exist.”

- Unknown

Sometimes Ignoring Really Hurts

“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”

- Steve Martin

“Don’t run after him who tries to avoid you..!”

- Unknown

“Sometimes all you wanna do is stay quiet just to find out who cares about you enough to ask you why…”

- Unknown

“There comes a time you feel so alone no matter how much company you have…”

- Unknown

Ignoring Quotes In Hindi

“वाह, आप अपने मोबाईल को अपडेट कर सकते हो लेकिन मुझmessage नहीं कर सकते”

- Unknown

“सबसे ज्यादा दुख तब होता है जब आपको वो लोग ignore करते है जिनसे आप बहुत ज्यादा प्यार करते हो।”

- Unknown

“काश ऐसा होता कि उस बात को ignore कर पाता कि मुझे ignore कर रहा है।”

- Unknown

“मुझे ignore करोगे? ठीक है लेकिन जब मैं ignore करूंगा तो pagal मत हो जाना।”

- Unknown

“मुझे बहुत बुरा लगा, तुम अपने दोस्तों के साथ मेरे बाजू से गुजरे और मुझे देखा भी नहीं।”

- Unknown

“वो तकफील बहुत ज्यादा होती है जब ऐसा व्यक्ति जो कल आपसे बहुत ज्यादा प्यार करता था लेकिन आज सबसे ज्यादा ignore करता है।”

- Unknown

“हम मे से किसी को भी यह पसंद नहीं है कि हमको कोई ignore करे। बल्कि हम सब चाहते है कि हमे भी लोग notice करे।”

- Unknown

“बहुत बुरा लगता है जब आपको ये पता चलता है कि आप जिसको वो व्यक्ति ज्यादा जरूरी नहीं समझता जिसको आप बहुत जरूरी समझते हो।”

- Unknown

“जब आप कामयाब हो जाते हो तो वो लोग जो शुरू में आपको ignore करते थे वो अब आपसे मिलने को भी तैयार हो जाएंगे।”

- Unknown

Ignoring Quotes In Marathi

“व्वा, आपण आपला मोबाइल अद्यतनित करू शकता परंतु मला संदेश देऊ शकत नाही?”

- Unknown

“जेव्हा आपण आपल्यावर खूप प्रेम करता त्या लोकांकडे दुर्लक्ष करतात तेव्हा सर्वात दुःख होते.”

- Unknown

“माझी इच्छा आहे की ज्या गोष्टींकडे मी दुर्लक्ष करीत आहे त्याकडे मी दुर्लक्ष करू शकले.”

- Unknown

“माझ्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करा? ठीक आहे परंतु मी दुर्लक्ष करतो तेव्हा पागल होऊ नका.”

- Unknown

“मला खूप वाईट वाटले, तू माझ्या मित्रांसमवेत माझ्या बाजूने गेलास आणि मलाही पाहिले नाहीस.”

- Unknown

“काल अशी तुझी व्यक्ती ज्याने काल तुझ्यावर खूप प्रेम केले पण आज त्याकडे सर्वात जास्त दुर्लक्ष करते तेव्हा ही समस्या खूप असते.”

- Unknown

“आपल्यापैकी कोणालाही कोणाकडेही दुर्लक्ष करायला आवडत नाही. त्याऐवजी, आपल्या सर्वांनीही आपल्याकडे लक्ष द्यावे अशी आपल्या सर्वांची इच्छा आहे.”

- Unknown

“ज्याला आपण समजत नाही की ती व्यक्ती खूप महत्वाची आहे हे जेव्हा आपल्याला कळते तेव्हा खूप वाईट वाटते.”

- Unknown

“जेव्हा आपण यशस्वी व्हाल, तेव्हा सुरुवातीस आपल्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करणारे लोक आता आपल्यास भेटण्यासही तयार असतील.”

- Unknown

Ignoring Text Messages Quotes With Images

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Originally published at https://quotesmasala.com on May 12, 2021.



Sanyog Malviya
Sanyog Malviya

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